Here is the recording from today’s call. Listen now or download it and listen later.

Make sure you check out the very special (and very limited time) offer below IF you want to get the very most you can out of your squeeze pages!

[audio:|titles=Create Sexy Squeeze Pages… that work!]

Create the most effective sexy squeeze pages you possibly can!

I am going to keep this very simple. I have so much more information to share with you about creating effective squeeze pages that it just wouldn’t fit into a single phone call.

That is why I am offering you this amazing ebook. It goes into much more detail AND it includes lots of additional information I didn’t even get to touch on during the call.

Things Like…..

  • Every facet of squeeze page creation is addressed in more detail
  • Guidelines for writing highly effective copy for your free call
  • How to setup your after call recording page so it re-enforces your upsell
  • After call follow up suggestions to encourage more sells
  • AND How to continue making $$ and growing your list AFTER your event is over

Normally this book would cost you $77.
When I launch it to everyone next week it will be introduced at $37.

BUT I am offering it to you first
at the rock bottom price of $19.97!

Just click the button below and use the coupon code sexycall

No one else will be offered this book at this price. In fact this price will only be available to you for just 3 short days. So order your copy now.  Use the coupon code sexycall to get the super low low price of $19.97.

(coupon expires midnight August 25th)