My name is Jodie Burdette, and I am the proud owner of OSP.
I have been online since the internet first started to become available to the public and I have seen it grow and from mostly email and all text sites to the amazingly interactive experience is has become.
What does this history mean to you? It means that I have a handle on technology like no one else you will find. I have not only observed the evolution of the internet I have been an active participant and stayed up-to-date on technology as it changed and evolved.
It also means that no where else will find a unified group of people who understand your goals and can put together all the varied pieces that it takes to build a successful online presence. We can handle everything, every facet from social media integration and strategy to email marketing, product launches, shopping cart support and more.
Don’t work harder than you have to. Let our experienced team handle all the pieces that make your business look good. You will wonder how you ever survived without us! Contact The OSP Today.
The OSP in the Media
Meet a Successful WAHM (Work At Home Mom): Jodie Burdette of Out Sourcing Pro – By Rachel Carpenter – Associated Content